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System B > Our team

Our team, our DNA,
the System B story

Equipe system b

System B is a company created in 2015 by three founders with varied profiles: a former butcher, a mechanical engineer and a student of entrepreneurship.
The company specializes in tool innovation in the world of butchery and catering trades.

Today, System B employs 18 people, who work together to develop new, innovative solutions for the butchery and catering trades. The company has established itself as a key player in this constantly evolving market, offering high-quality products and services that meet the specific needs of professionals.

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    Our know-how

    image equipe recherche et developpement system b
    R&D TEAM
    image equipe commerciale
    image equipe logistique system b
    image equipe administration system b
    image equipe communication system b

    System B has created innovative machines and mechanical tools for the butcher’s trade, facilitating the work of professionals while increasing efficiency in laboratories.
    In addition to its equipment, the company also markets Clean Label casings and spices & marinades, complying with the most stringent quality and food safety standards.

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